HPLS: The Howard Phillips Legacy Society Newsletter

What is the Howard Phillips Legacy Society?

The Society is members and supporters of the Constitution Party who invest financially in the party through a monthly subscription newsletter. Every month members receive a hard copy newsletter written by Peter Gemma, a gifted and widely read author.

To give you a taste of what you might expect in the newsletter, Peter addressed the murder of college student, Mollie Tibbets, and the illegal immigration problem in a recent blog posting. As a result of Peter’s article, which linked to the Constitution Party, traffic tripled on our website. Thousands of people learned more about our party through Peter’s post. Not only do members benefit from Peter’s insight into the news of our day, the newsletter can be a valuable asset in introducing family and friends to our party. Here is a link to a recent article written by Peter that is worth taking the time to read.

While members enjoy the timely and exclusive news each month, the party benefits greatly from the steady source of income provided through the Howard Phillips Legacy Society (HPLS). As membership to the Society increases, we are anticipating that the subscription revenue will cover our monthly operating costs. This would be a tremendous boon to the party, freeing up all our other revenue sources for gaining ballot access in all 50 states!

Achieving ballot access in more and more states will attract more and better candidates to the party, such as Don Blankenship of West Virginia, running for a US Senate seat; Tim Aalders of Utah, also running for a US Senate seat; and Jacob Luetkemeyer of Missouri running for State Auditor, just to name three candidates. Gaining ballot access in more states will also attract funds from larger donors who will be willing to donate to the party, but only after they can foresee a reasonable return on their investment. Being on the ballot in many states is a critical criterion for big donors.

I would, therefore, encourage you to download the application and subscribe to the newsletter. Please do so now. You may also subscribe online here. If 800 people chose the entry-level subscription of $7.00 per month, that would bring $5,600.00 per month into the party. Our goal of covering the monthly office payroll, office rent, printing and postage costs, and all other on-going expenses of the party would be adequately met.

It’s amazing that all of the national executive committee members, including the national officers of the party, simply donate their time and efforts to the party and that is as it should be. In all; the party operates on a very lean budget. Peter Gemma as well; offers his skills to the party gratis. It is a labor of love and dedication to the cause of Liberty.